Everyone has to work to pay their bills, afford to do the things they love and participate in society. You will likely spend a lot of time working, so it is important to find something that you enjoy. If you are stuck in a career that you don’t love, it might be a good idea to...
However, I know that my hobbies are where my true passion lies because that’s how I choose to spend my free time — time that I have the freedom to spend in a variety of ways. So if I seek to find ways to implement my skills into these areas I’ll be closer to finding a care...
Here are some of JingJobs’ suggestions on how to find your career passion and hopefully achieve a stimulating and rewarding career. 1. Follow Your Curiosity and Explore. We understand the troubles of trying to find your passion without taking the ultimate risk of quitting stable employment and ...
Here are some of JingJobs’ suggestions on how to find your career passion and hopefully achieve a stimulating and rewarding career. 1. Follow Your Curiosity and Explore. We understand the troubles of trying to find your passion without taking the ultimate risk of quitting stable employment and ...
Learn How to Turn Passion for Art into a Career
It’s time we start to integrate the science of passion and purpose into the corporate world. Purpose at work: a 3 step approach The famous philosopher Aristotle was one of the first to point out that people look for at least 2 ways to find happiness—pleasure, which he called ‘hedonic...
Looking to escape the office grind? Discover tips that will help you to turn your passion into a successful business and make money doing what you love.
While it can be tempting to quit your job andfocus on a career changefull-time, it may not be the most practical move to make. On the contrary, think about taking time to transition, which means staying at your current job until you find a new one. To transition professionally while yo...
However, you may notice some ideas from your list to help guide you towards a career you can be passionate about. For example, if you consider yourself a crime TV junkie, perhaps consider a career in criminal justice or law enforcement. ...
A passion that became a career. How a Regular Morning Led to a Life-Changing Decision. I woke up Saturday, May 24, 2008 with a relatively simple goal: clean out the garage. It was a decision not unlike the decision made by countless people around the world every weekend. After all, ...