In some cases,even if you filed for a refund, you might not have gotten the tax refund check itself. These checks are mailed to your last known address, so if you moved without informing the IRS or the US Postal Service, your refund check might have been returned to the IRS. You can...
If you are in need to stop wage garnishment in Maryland by wage garnishment lawyers or find out the maximum wage garnishment, please contact us right away. The percentage that the creditor can take from your pay can sometimes mean the difference between hanging in and ruination. The wage garni...
If you don’t keep your personal and business finances separate, a court could find that your business is not actually separate from you, the owner. In the event of a lawsuit or bankruptcy, your personal assets (house, car, savings, 401k, etc…) could be used to satisfy any debts you...
Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding initiated when a person or business cannot repay outstanding debts or obligations. It offers a fresh start for people who can no longer afford to pay their bills. The bankruptcy process begins with a petition filed by the debtor, which is most common, or on...
Learn how to file bankruptcy on credit card debt and get your finances back on track. Find expert advice and guidance on managing your finances and dealing with credit card debt.
You withhold taxes on non-wage income paid to one or more non-resident aliens. You file an alcohol, employment, excise, firearms or tobacco tax return for your company. You change your business structure. You file for bankruptcy. You acquire a business and merge into a new business. ...
MF Global, one of the world’s largest derivatives brokerages, misused US$1.6 billion of its customers’ funds to cover its own trading losses before the brokerage firm ultimately filed for bankruptcy in 2011. Local investors of MF Global Singapore were hit and feared they might never get thei...
“shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself.” On the other hand, a person who willingly chooses to file a Bankruptcy case is implicitly agreeing to lay out all of their financial lives in front of the Court, Trustee and creditors in exchange for adischarge ...
If it wasn’t settled, it will come off 14 years from the date filed. If you've never filed for bankruptcy but see one listed on your credit report, take action as soon as possible. This error is likely bringing your credit score down. There are specific steps you can take to ...
All bankruptcy cases in the United States go through federal courts. What does it mean when an individual files for bankruptcy? Bankruptcy is a legal process that helps to relieve people struggling to repay debts. Depending on the type of bankruptcy that’s filed, consumers can erase some ...