One specific scenario, Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati (DGP) gravity, gives rise to a potentially observable anomaly in the solar system: all planets would exhibit a common anomalous precession, dw/dt, in excess of the prediction of General Relativity. We......
The mathematical formulation of Kepler's third law gives you a way to calculate planetary periods in terms of that of the Earth or, alternatively, the lengths of their years in terms of an Earth year. To do this, it's helpful to express distance (d) in astronomical units (AU)....
consider a giant planet have a 3/4 mass of it sun and with the distance of 50AU from the sun. That would make a binary star. It would rotate about a barycenter somewhere near the middle. pruthvi said: How it is possible in this case to say that the planet...
TheLeo constellationcan be seen at latitudes between 90 and minus 65 degrees. To find Leo, first look for the bright star Regulus and then trace the distinctive backward question mark known as "The sickle" which represents the lion's mane. ...
My daughter is 7 and she has had multiple friends this year have to get glasses. I never remember seeing so many children so young being diagnosed with vision impairments. Do you think it's because of the technology has gotten so small and so many kids stare at phones and iPads these ...
Find out how X-ray machines see straight to your bones. The voltage difference between the cathode and anode is extremely high, so the electrons fly through the tube with a great deal of force. When a speeding electron collides with a tungsten atom, it knocks loose an electron in one ...
so the periodic table may never be complete. These manmade elements are created using particle accelerators thatsmash atoms and subatomic particles together, generating nuclei with extra protons and neutrons. However, these ultra-heavy elements are highly unstable and difficult to make. “We really ...
Current space-farming experiments examine different aspects of farming in microgravity (a term to describe an environment with little or no gravity). These experiments could be helpful in the related case of farming on the surface of the moon or Mars, which have significantly lower levels of grav...
Astronomers believe that the main star and Polaris B are separated by about 2,400 astronomical units— one astronomical unit (AU) being the average distance of the sun to the Earth. The orbital period of the two stars may number in the many thousands of years. An artist's depiction of Po...