I can't seems to find the offset, using "Find out what accesses this address". What I did wrong? You haven't done anything wrong. It's just how the game's code works. Two possibilities I can think of is the offset is actually just 0 or the offset was already applied to the ba...
Let’s find out the sales for the year 2018. Note that 2018 corresponds to the 3rd year in our data. We want to extract a list of 13 values. Enter the following formula: =OFFSET(B5,1,3,13,1) Press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER after entering the formula. FORMULA BREAKDOWN Begin from cell B5...
#1: bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --consumer.config kafka_offset_consumer.config --topic __consumer_offsets --zookeeper localhost:2181 #2 ./bin/kafka-simple-consumer-shell.sh --topic __consumer_offsets --partition 0 --broker-list localhost:9092 --formatter "kafka.server.OffsetManager\$Offse...
If the cells are formatted as text, you can convert them to numbers by selecting the cells and pressing Ctrl+Shift+F. This is a quick and easy way to fix the issue. The Formula Checker is a useful tool that can help you find errors in your formulas. I recommend using it every time ...
[P] Time, I realize, is the biggest obstacle to cooking for most People. You must adjust your Priorities to find time to cook. For instance, you can move a TV to the kitchen and watch your favorite shows while you're standing at the sink. No one is asking you to give up activities...
February 17, 2025 Elena Ávila Blog Amadeus and Airlink: Harnessing the power of partnership to meet the growing global demand for humanitarian aid transport February 3, 2025 Steven J. Smith Blog How can technology help tackle business travel friction?
Error 1: How to fix “There is no media in the device” error This error indicates that DiskPart cannot find the specified media. That is, DiskPart could neither download nor access the device. In such a case, you can proceed as follows: Try plugging the media into a different USB por...
We can find out which systems are working as peer and which ones are not from theassociationscommand inside of thentpqprompt. Here is a sample example. Raw ntpq> as ind assID status conf reach auth condition last_event cnt === 1 10596 f414 yes yes ok candidat reachable 1 2 10597 f014...
Find a resource The following code traverses the logical tree of the XAML object in which is run, to find the specified resource. The resource might be defined on the object itself, it's parent, all the way to the root, the application itself. The following code searches for a resource...
Why sustainable logistics requires high-tech tools & and real-time communication What are today's 5 biggest logistics trends? The road ahead for global supply chains How do these mini cucumbers get into the jar? For this mission, we have a licence to deliver ...