You can find a nonprofit organization's EIN online at Melissa Data. Select nonprofit organizations under the federal resources tab. Enter the organization's name to find the EIN on the organization's information page. If you search by entering the zip code, you will have to select the organiz...
Search for nonprofit organizations by going to theGuidestar website. Enter a company name or the city and state where the nonprofit company is located. Click the “Start Your Search” button to continue. You will then see a page of search results. Scroll down the list to find the company ...
How Nonprofit Organizations Can Use the New Markets Tax CreditMichael I. Sanders
If you want to find a tax ID number for a publicly traded company, you can review that company's SEC filings. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires public entities to make certain quarterly and annual disclosures, which are available to the public. SEC Filings will provide financial i...
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CDFIs are financial institutions that include banks, credit unions, nonprofit and for-profit loan funds and venture capital funds. They are missioned to provide CDFI loans to underserved communities.
Other Ways to Find an EIN If the person is authorized to receive an EIN from the IRS, she can call the IRS’s Business & Specialty Tax Line to get the EIN. Authorized persons include sole proprietors, partners in a partnership, a corporate officer, a trustee of a trust and anexecutor...
Click Nonprofit Organizations and then enter the company's name or ZIP code to look up its FEIN number, income, assets and other relevant data. If you still can't find the information you need, contact the company’s accounting department and inquire about its federal tax ID number — just...
What to do if you lose your state ID number Already have a state ID number but not sure what it is … or where to find it? No worries. You can find your state tax ID number by: Logging into your online account Looking at documents such as Forms W-2 and state unemployment tax fo...
If the business is a nonprofit, you may locate it in theIRS tax exempt organization Search. Paid Method of Finding an EIN For a Business An alternative method to obtain an existing business Federal Tax ID or EIN is by running abusiness credit report. This report typically includes the EIN ...