For example, in my seed listed above, I have built a town around the NPC village on the center of the map. If I want to find the closest Nether Fortress to my town, I need to create a Nether Portal there and travel Northeast a couple hundred blocks most likely. While this method is...
Seedmapgenerators are invaluable tools for previewing the layout of worlds without having to generate them in-game. Tools likeMineAtlasandChunkbaseallow you to input a seed and see a map of the generated world, including biomes, structures, and sometimes even slime chunks and nether fortress locat...
Once you’re on your tamed Horse inMinecraft, you’ll quickly notice you can’t actually turn or control the Mount. To do this, you’llneed a Saddle; your best chance of finding one is in Nether Fortresses. They spawn in other dungeon chests as well, but only fortresses have the hig...
The seemingly niche focus of "Rollercoaster Tycoon" ended up being its strong suit, with countless possible permutations on each scenario depending on each player's unique design approach. It's a game that just feels so tight and rewarding to play that it's hard to put down, even decades l...
Advanced players can enter Minecraft's final zone - The End. Players go to the End to challenge the ender dragon and explore treasure-filled cities in the sky. Before you can do this, however, you'll need to find a rare End Portal using...