HowIFoundMyVoice JamesEarlJones ’’. . 3SinceIwaseightI’,,myfaceburningwithshame. 4I’找回声音 詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯 1今天我在声音方面的名气一点都不逊色于我的表演。我在乔治·卢卡斯的《星球大战》三部曲中担任达斯·维达的配音演员,并在有线新闻网担任旁白播音员,能够获得这些工作机会我感到很幸运。我还...
Today I am known for my voice as much as for my acting.现如今我因自己的声音表演和舞台表演而出名。It has been my good fortune to receive jobs such as the speaking role of Darth Vader in George Lucas’s Star Wars trilogy and the voice-over announcer for CNN cable television.我有幸能够成...
How I found my voice. (techniques of speaking articulately in public)(The Perfect Man)Fussman, Cal
When I was asked to record the New Testament,I really did it for a tall,lean man with grayhair who had not only helped to guide me to the author of the Scriptures,but as the father of my resurrected voice, had also helped me find abundant life. 找回声音 詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯 1今天我...
(beginning) Part II (Paragraphs 3 – 22): The author recollects how his high school teacher, Professor Crouch, helped him to overcome his stutter and find his voice. (development) Part III (Paragraphs 23 – 29): The author tells the reader how his voice found with the help of Professor...
andgritmyteeth.ThatawfulfeelingofmyvoicebeingtrappedgotworseasIgrewolder。 8ThenwhenIwas14,ProfessorDonaldCrouchcametoourschool.Hewasa retired college professor who had settled in nearby brethren, a Mennonite community. When he heard that our agricultural high was teaching Chaucer, Shakespeare and other...
Part 2, Paragraphs 3?2: the author recollects how his high school teacher, Professor Crouch, helped him to overe his stutter and find his voice、 Part 3, Paragraphs 23?9: the author tells the reader what achievements he made after he overcame his stuttering problem and how grateful he is...
Crouch, helped him to overcome his stutter and find his voice. Part 3, Paragraphs 23?9: the author tells the reader what achie vements he made after he overcame his stutt ering problem and how grate ful he...
HisothervoicerolesincludeMufasainthe1994animatedDisneyfilmTheLionKinganditsdirect-to-videosequel,TheLionKingII:Simba'sPride.HealsovoicedtheEmperoroftheNightinPinocchioandtheEmperoroftheNight.Televisionroles JoneshastheunusualdistinctionofbeingtheonlyactortowintwoEmmysinthesameyear,in1991asBestActorforhis...
The secret wasn’t to sweeten my voice, but to find another guest post opportunity more consistent with mine. Making accommodations will improve your writing and make it more appealing to an audience. You’ll always need to polish and accommodate to some extent. However, there are limits you...