When investigators first arrived at the scene, Maggie Murdaugh's phone was missing. But with the help of the "Find My iPhone" feature, it was located the next day along a road not far from the Moselle property.Colleton County Court Maggie's cell phone was also missing. The day aft...
I am able to use TRIM(LEFT(F2,FIND(" ",F2)-1)) to retrieve the date portion of the text, but when I attempt to use DATEVALUE(TRIM(LEFT(F2,FIND(" ",F2)-1))) to convert the text value to a date value, I receive a #VALUE! error. Please help. Reply Alexander Trifuntov ...
Richard McCarty : Hell, I was tricked into investing over $455,000 with a company and when I asked for a withdrawal they asked me to put in more money. There's no way i would put in more money when they wouldn’t let me make a withdrawal, I told them I wanted my money ba...