Here are some possible reasons you may find it tough to socialize, along with tips to help: You’re an introvertIf you recharge by spending time alone, social interactions might drain your energy quickly. This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy socializing; it just means you need to balance ...
CFA Institute has a self-assessment tool you can use to determine whether you should request this deferral. After reviewing your case, CFA Institute will determine whether you can postpone your scheduled exam to the next sitting. If your case meets the criteria, you will be offered a qualified...
Capturing a business model can be easy, but knowing what to improve on can be difficult. You'll use nine seven key assessment questions to identify opportunities for improvement. How can you improve? You know where you are and what needs to improve to succeed – but how do you close the...
Stop immediately if you find yourself taking your stress, anger or frustrations out on others. Instead, see if you can find something positive about the situation. Take a few deep breaths, or even walk away if you can't control your emotions. Explore self-regulation techniques to manage you...
In the long run it also helps a lot to find better ways to motivate yourself than listening to your inner critic. So let’s move on to that… 2. Use healthier motivation habits. To make the inner critic less useful for yourself and that voice weaker and at the same time motivate yours...
Capturing a business model can be easy, but knowing what to improve on can be difficult. You'll use nine seven key assessment questions to identify opportunities for improvement. How can you improve? You know where you are and what needs to improve to succeed – but how do you close the...
So, define the purpose of the course by answering this question: “What should a learner be able to do after finishing the training program?” A learning outcome is what you want a learner to be able to do after finishing the training program Useful resources Training Needs Assessment and ...
Let's join Mindtools to have an ad free experience! Join Now! Key Takeaways: Procrastination means delaying or postponing something that needs to be done – usually because it's unpleasant or dull. Procrastination is a trap that many of us fall into. Research suggests that 95 percent of ...
Take This 2-minute Assessment To Find OutGet started now Understand. Take Action. Reduce Stress. Your credit determines your financial life... your credit score is used by lenders almost exclusively to determine what you will pay for a loan. It doesn't matter if you have money in the ...
ensure you're getting the best rate for your current circumstances. It may be difficult to find a car insurance policy that offers the same coverage at the same price you were paying prior to an at-fault accident, but other carriers may have discounts that are better suited to your needs....