At the same time, it’s worth checking that your router’s firmware is up to date. Outdated firmware can cause connectivity issues that prevent DNS lookups. In combination, these steps might fix your problem. 9. Disable IPv6 Internet protocolis the system that creates a unique IP address fo...
I want all VPN traffic to pass through this router... remote LAN and Internet traffic for times when I am at unfamiliar wifi hotspots and need to check email securely. I have included my running config. I also need to configure the ASA to accept native Android VPN connections. I read th...
I was going to try and copy Gregg from last week but my dog can't talk yet to do the introduction. Darn obedience classes. Obie Fernandez from Hashrocket co-hosts this week and we have a blast. I hope you all enjoy the show and am sorry for the delay. But it's a good one, I...