Brian Cox Lecture - GCSE Science brought down to Earth 01:15:45 How Humans Have Genetically Modified Nature – with Beth Shapiro 51:23 Q&A with Dr. William Lane Craig 01:19:56 Truly sustainable energy storage _ The Royal Society 01:14:05 What's eating the universe - with Paul Da...
01 2021's Biggest Breakthroughs in Math and Computer Science 11:25 Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution 57:14 Solar system science from the James Webb Space Telescope – with Naomi Rowe-Gurne 1:04:42 12 Most Incredible Archaeological Finds 15:27 What Was The First Complex...
What can teachers do to support students who miss their grades on GCSE results day? Here’s a checklist of the options you can offer them
It can feel as though you have nothing to offer, especially if your main focus has been on acing your GCSEs and A-Levels. Employers understand that many university students have very limited experience, but that doesn’t mean you can’t write a CV that will attract employers. Firstly, ...
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Even better, see if you can try and find some times when your timetables sync up so you have set periods of free time to chat with one another. This way, you can avoid getting distracted and not have to worry about missing out on any fun time together. But there’s also a greater ...
We are just going to look at the simplest method here, which is to find the group that contains the middle value and state this. This method is perfectly good for comparing data sets and is all that is required at the GCSE level, for example. To find the middle value, we add one ...
Going to school after home education Home education resources for GCSEs Load More online schools Online Education for Expat Kids There are many more online schools these days, and these often provide the perfect education for an expat child. all online schools articles Online British Education...
If you can’t get to speak to someone face to face, find time to chat over Zoom or FaceTime. Don’t forget to search for online reviews to see what current and former students have to say – a far more valuable tool than advertorials put out by the university, which might be decept...
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