the dataset link is here. in summary, i would like to filter out the "released year" to the latest 10 years (2010 to 2020) and find the average of of the gross from 2010...
I can find dSYM files from the framework but I unfortunately didn't succeed to symbolicate my crash report with that file, I can see yet which binary image cause the crash, and to be honest, I'm pretty confused by all this stuff because I'm not an usual Apple Developer. Usually we ...
Hello, I had successfully installed on my RPi the OpenVino Runtime 2 years ago. However, I had to re-install everything which inludes OpenVino runtime. I struggled a bit to find a proper tutorial on how to do it and I came across this discussion: ...
I can find dSYM files from the framework but I unfortunately didn't succeed to symbolicate my crash report with that file, I can see yet which binary image cause the crash, and to be honest, I'm pretty confused by all this stuff because I'm not an usual Apple Developer. Usually we ...
When you use Excel worksheet, sometimes, you will meet this problem: how could you convert or transpose a range of data into a single column? (See the following screenshots:) Now, I introduce three quick tricks for you to solve this problem.Transpose...
Hello, I had successfully installed on my RPi the OpenVino Runtime 2 years ago. However, I had to re-install everything which inludes OpenVino runtime. I struggled a bit to find a proper tutorial on how to do it and I came across this discussion: https://c...
I've been doing the "Lenovo Diagnostics" on my Legion Go, and I'm stuck on the "Mouse Devices" where I have no idea how to do "double right-click", "middle button", and "double middle button". Google and Youtube are extremely unhelpful; been searching for 2 hours now, feels like...
Image Capture is Apple's image acquisition app for grabbing pictures from your camera or scanner. Here's how to use it in a variety of settings.
In such events, it’s not difficult to find someone who can memorize the order of 50 random cards within three minutes. These people are not super humans; they’re able to do what they do through practice and a number of memorization techniques. ...
In the example above, the Days between failure for row three is 735 (1172 - 437). In the example above, the MTBF is 354.3 (=average(735;236;103;98;163;791)) My question is - for each row, how to identify the previous value, for the unique serial number? (if it is the first ...