We will use the following data table to explain the methods to find minimum value with VLOOKUP in Excel. Method 1 – Minimum Value with VLOOKUP Function 1.1 Find the Minimum Value Steps: Select the output Cell C12. Enter the following formula. =VLOOKUP(MIN($C$5:$C$10),$C$5:$D$10,...
2.2 Finding the Minimum Value Within a Column Step 1: Select H5. Enter the following formula. =SMALL(C5:C17,1) Press ENTER. Step 2: Drag down the Fill Handle to E13. Step 3: You will see all minimum scores. Read More: How to Find Lowest 3 Values in Excel Method 3 – Combining ...
In Excel, we can use the Max or Min function to find out the largest or smallest values in a range of cells. But here, if your worksheet is populated with positive numbers and negatives, and you need to find out the maximum absolute values or minimum absolute values, the Max or Min f...
When working with long ranges of data, we need to find the minimum value among the range where more than one condition is matching. In simple words finding out the minimum value using Excel IF function. IF function returns True or False and MIN function looks for the minimum value from ...
Find out the highest or lowest value in a selection with formulas To get the largest or smallest number in a range: Just enter the below formula into a blank cell you want to get the result: Get the largest value: =Max (B2:F10) ...
Use the MINA formula: =MINA(B2:B17) As you know the lowest value is 0.05 but as the function considers boolean values TRUE as 1 and FALSE 0. So it returns 1 as lowest value in B10 cells. Let's learn how to use SMALL function to get the nth lowest value in excel ...
Start to type the following formula: =MAX( This might seem contradictory, as your intention is to provide a minimum result of 1500 in the final column, not a maximum result. However, the reason we type MAX is that we are telling Excel to find the maximum possible value in the calculation...
Excel has the functions to find out the maximum and the minimum value from a range (the MAX and the MIN function). Suppose you have a data set as shown below, and you want to calculate the range for the data in column B. Below is the formula to calculate the range for this data ...
You can also type the Average formula in the cell (=AVERAGE (C6:C13) to get the value. 2] To Find the Minimum Value Select the cell below or right, then go to theAuto-Sum Toolin theEditing Groupand select theMin Functionor selectMore Function; anInsert Functiondialog box will pop up...
In the pullout menu, go to the “Paste Values” section and click“Values.” Confirm that Excel copied the value and not the formula. Instead of pasting a formula in the cells when using the steps above, you now get the values only, and you can do this process in bulk to save time...