In the ribbon, click on the "Line" to specify the Midpoint of one of the lines you created, then click to specify the Midpoint of the second line. At last, Press the ESC key to disable the line command, and now your simple window is completed. 2. How to Create a Floor Plan On...
I would also like AutoCAD to have coffee ready for me when I arrive at work in the morning. Unfortunately, neither of those wishes are likely to come true so in their absence, I would use either the STRETCH command or a move called the grab-the-midpoint. If your rectangle lines...
Surely, if you have the OSNAP settings on for Midpoint, Endpoint, Centre etc. then AutoCAD will automatically find those points when you hover near them. Then you just click on them, or hover over them to acquire tracking. Reply Report 0 Anonymous in reply to peterm 11-04-202...
A perpendicular line from a given pointPlace your compass on the given point (point P). ... From each arc on the line, draw another arc on the opposite side
The 2nd one was created by moving the array base point to the center of the block. Check if this works for you. Remember that now the center of the block will be coincident with the path, but both of the circles' centers maybe not. Cheers,Edwin PrakosoDid you find this post...