The Microsoft Support Community page is public. Plenty of knowledgeable community members contribute to keeping these forums up and running. It's also a great place to find more up-to-date answers on recent/relevant product issues. Ask Microsoft Copilot for help Microsoft also has an AI-powered...
All devices on the Internet are prone to viruses and scams. One such scam is the Microsoft windows defender security warning, where randomly, you will see a Window pops up with a phone number to contact to resolve the issue. This phishing attack takes hold of your PC to steal personal dat...
The “Virus Alert from Microsoft” scam, or “Microsoft Support Alert” scam, is similar to other bogus error messages like “Your Computer Was Locked,”“Microsoft Security Tollfree,”“We Couldn’t Activate Windows,” and “WARNING! 41 Threats Found!!!”. It operates through web browsers t...
Contact Support For technical support, go toContact Microsoft Support, enter your problem and selectGet Help. If you still need help, selectContact Supportto be routed to the best support option. If you're a business customer, visitBusiness billing helporUnderstand your bill ...
You should be careful while using the community, as some scammers try to take advantage of situations. They usetech support scamswhere they pretend to be Microsoft agents and try to lure you into clicking a link or calling a phone number. Always use the official Microsoft support and contact...
Fortunately, these scams are often easy to spot. Let's take a good look at the clues in this example that pretends to be a subscription confirmation to Norton LifeLock. 1. The sender address The sender's email address is often the first clue that the message is a fake. In this example...
Protect yourself from online scams and attacks - Microsoft Support There is a link in this article where you can report scams. "Also, speak up! Report the attempted scam at don't be afraid to warn friends and family so they can be on th...
Tech support scams are on the rise globally. Scammers pretend to be from major tech companies like Microsoft or Apple and claim they detected issues on your computer. They say that viruses, malware or hacking was found and you need to call them immediately. But it’s a lie – they just...
They're constantly on the prowl: cold calling scammers claiming to be from "Windows Tech Support", who in reality have the nefarious aim of downloading spyware and/or charging you for their assistance while they are remotely connected (or, worse still, both). It's one of the biggest cons...
resolve Microsoft Store error code 0x00000000 on your PC. You’ll probably have to apply more than one of those potential fixes to find one that works because this error has numerous causes. With error 0x00000000 fixed, you can then download all apps and updates again within Microsoft Store....