Find the critical chi square value. You can use acritical chi square tableto do this. If the Bartlett test statistic from Step 6 is is greater than the critical value from Step 7, there is a significant difference in the variances.
Learn about factor analysis - a simple way to condense the data in many variables into a just a few variables.
As an example of what I mean here is how to find suppliers of a white keyboard for the USA (click on images to enlarge for better viewing) Hopefully this is of some help. Questa risposta è stata utile? Sì No Punteggio 1 Aggiungi un commento Risposta Più Utile oldturkey03 @ol...
@stataq wrote:dose that mean "&colvar.=A1" and "&colvar. in (1,2)" are correct way to refer a macro variable name and value, but they should not be used in the same step using and to connect the conditions? "&colvar.=A1" and "&colvar. in (1,2)" are obviously 2 dif...
I needed to compare two sheets and spent about 30 min writing code in Stata to do it. Then, even though I knew there were no differences, I decided there must be an easier way and found your tutorial. It took about 1 minute using conditional formatting. I never would have thought to ...
2. STATA FILES You can import stata files to R via foreign package through the following command. # Activate the `foreign` library library(foreign) # Read Stata data into R mydata <- read.dta("") 3. SYSTAT FILES You can import Systat files to R via foreign package through the fol...
Letx(j)refer to thexin ascending order forj= 1, 2, ...,n. Letw(j)refer to the corresponding weights ofx(j); if there are no weights,w(j)= 1. Let N =Σnj=1w(j). To obtain thepth percentile, which we will denote asx[p], we need to find the first indexisuch thatW(i)... The likelihood ratio (lr) test, Wald test, and Lagrange multiplier test (sometimes called a score test) are commonly used to evaluate the difference between nested models. One model is considered nested in another if the first model ...
Here we find that the change from level 2 to level 3 is the only one with a statistically significant difference in estimated mean scores. We can see this large jump when we plot the estimated means using margins freq followed by the marginsplot command. ...
In Stata, almost all commands return results. Estimation commands return their results ase()values, and most other commands return their results asr()values. I learned the namesr(mean)andr(sd)by typinghelp summarizeand scrolling to the bottom of the help file. There I found all the results ...