Matrix to metaverse_ Can we live a meaningful life in virtual reality – with Dav 37:28 Using lasers to create fusion and save the world – with Kate Lancaster 51:35 Protein Crystallography 23:02 Investigating the Periodic Table with Experiments - with Peter Wothers 01:25:34 Nuclear Fu...
We have a matrix with dimension NxN.For some m belongs to N,m0 we have A^m0=0.We consider the exponential matrix e^A=I+A+A^2/(2!)+A^2/(3!)+A^m/(m!).Find the...
A. Iserles, How large is the exponential of a banded matrix?, J. New Zealand Math. Soc., 29 (2000), pp. 177-192.Iserles A.: How large is the exponential of a banded matrix? N. Z. J. Math. 29, No. 2, pp. 177–192 (2000)....
in my programming i find 6*6 matrix i need to find exponential of matrix (expm(a*t)) , after that got result i try fo find convolution integral ,however matlab can not find it i tried vpa unfortunately i didn't get any answer !! so how can i find convolution integral of matix...
i want to convert an matrix of exponential values to whole numbers for example 3.6889e-005 -0.00017216 2.3815e-005 -0.00010904 -0.00023487 -0.00013938 8.2785e-005 댓글 수: 7 이전 댓글 5개 표시 Jan2011년 9월 23일 ...
I am trying to fit an exponential to this plot from xlim([ 0 80]) but I am getting the error 테마복사 Error using vertcat Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent. Error in WeakBeam (line 184) f = fit(time, E_f, s, ...
How to find list of possible words from a letter matrix [Boggle Solver]Ask Question Asked 14 years, 6 months ago Modified 2 years ago Viewed 232k times 386 Lately I have been playing a game on my iPhone called Scramble. Some of you may know this game as Boggle. Esse...
The unit step response is a standard tool for experimental identification; its shape is equivalent to a solution of an appropriate govern
The derivative of the matrix is taken... Learn more about this topic: Matrix in Math | Definition, Properties & Rules from Chapter 2/ Lesson 1 146K Learn to define what a matrix is. Discover the properties of a matrix. Learn to find the matrix dimensions and perform the basic matrix op...
How to get the index of elements in a matrix that match values of a vector I would like to find the index of the elements in a matrix m that match with a vector v1. So from something similar to res I would like to get element 2 and from res1 get 8. Thank you! flink = c("...