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While it’s usual for the class to include basic statistics topics such asplaying cardsanddice rollingat first, these basic tools are used later in the class to find more complex probabilities, like the probability of contracting a certain disease usingBayes’ theorem. The “statistics” part of...
Basic Operations on Functions Check the Continuity of a Function Decompose a Composite Function Eliminate exponents How to Find Intercepts Intersection of Two Lines How to Enter Data into a List TI89 Optimization Problems Quadratic Formula Related Rates Relation vs Function Second Derivatives (Test, Fi...
How to Calculate Trendline How to Find the F Value in Statistics Scientists often apply trendlines, or best fit lines, to their data after they graph it on an x, y plot. The idea of a trendline is to reveal a linear relationship between two variables, x and y, in the y = mx + b...
We find that the Mg content of the oxide layer decreases from 33 at.% in the solution heat treated state to 15 at.% in the peak-aged sample. Through the use of deuterium (D) we reveal the presence of D (i.e. H) in the electrochemically grown oxide from water splitting, ...
to prevent selection biases based on availability, cost, familiarity, and language (Rothstein et al.2005), or the “Matthew effect”, which denotes the phenomenon that highly cited articles are found faster than less cited articles (Merton1968). Harrison et al. (2017) find that the effects of...
Many existing studies on public attitudes toward environmental issues focus on political and sociopsychological factors. They find that individuals with leftist political orientations and those who are concerned about the environment are more likely to exhibit pro-environmental perceptions and behaviors (e...
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