Brown, Maury
Wait for the appellate court judges to deliberate your appeals case. Once they have made their decision on whether to uphold your previous ruling or reverse it, one or more of the judges will write concurring opinions which set forth their legal reasoning on the case. If any of the judges ...
Davis, Aaron C
However, it is quite easy to find out the verdict of a particular case that goes through trial. You can attend the trial and hear the judge or jury announce the verdict. It's also possible to go to the clerk of court after the case is over, and ask to see the file. Asking a par...
Adjudication specifically refers to the process and decision issued by a government-appointed or elected judge rather than a decision issued by an arbitrator in a private proceeding orarbitration. Judges and arbitrators are expected and required to follow the law but judges' adjudications also must ...
It’s a lengthy process Steve didn’t go through, but that doesn’t mean that his rulings won’t be honored. Similar toJudge Judy,Judge JerryandChrissy’s Court, decisions made onJudge Steve Harveywill most likely be legally binding. But there has been no confirmation about this. That sa...
protesters (there were death threats), the crews used cranes to lift the monuments from their pedestals and load them onto flatbed trucks. The statues were shipped off to warehouses, where they would remain out of sight until the cities could find appropriate places — if any — to re...
a legal separation, both spouses should thoroughly address any issues about responsibilities, shared assets, or any other situation specific to the marriage that needs to be addressed. If the terms of the agreement are not clearly defined in the petition, the judge won't be able to help you....
To find out, ask them this question: “What specialized training have you completed that qualifies you to test a child for dyslexia?”In fact, you should ask that question before you hire anyone to test your child.Should the School Test?
Inc. In Caperton, the Supreme Court held that a judge must disqualify themselves when a case involves their big donors. The reasoning behind this decision was the belief that donor spending creates actual basis, which causes a disproportionate influence on the ruling judge. This case came to ...