The IRS allows only individuals with a Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number to be the responsible party on EIN applications. Entities may not use their existing Federal Tax ID Number to obtain additional EINs. There are four different ways you can obtain an EIN: Onli...
If you're self-employed, finding your employer identification, or EIN, is easy. The EIN is the number that the IRS assigns you to identify your business, even if you are a contractor or sole proprietor. Whether you already have an EIN assigned to you and simply cannot find it or you n...
If you need it, you can find your dentist's tax ID number. Tax ID numbers (TIN) are unique nine-digit numbers assigned to companies or individuals by the IRS. Private businesses, such as dentists' offices, will also have tax ID numbers. These numbers are used by the company or individu...
Businesses need TINs to stay compliant with tax regulations and complete tasks such as openingbusiness bank accounts, hiring employees, and applying for business licenses. The US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and other agencies use your TIN to identify your business and track compliance with financi...
To find your own company's EIN, you can: Review old tax returns, which will have the number on every page. Contact your bank. If you opened a bank account in the name of the business, you'll have provided the EIN when you applied for the account, and the bank will have that infor...
Search IRS resources. The Internal Revenue Service provides a host of resources to help the public find information about charities, including their taxpayer ID numbers. The IRS will research and copy an organization’s Form 990, tax return or its tax exemption application—all of which contain ...
IRS Business & Specialty Tax Line at 800-829-4933. You will have to provide the details of your business to positively identify yourself (for example, the name and Social Security number of the owner). After establishing your identity, the IRS will provide you the EIN number for your ...
Here are 4 ways for a Tax ID number or EIN lookup: 1. EIN Confirmation Letter Before we get into other methods, do yourself a favor and dig around for your EIN confirmation letter. You might not have your original Form SS-4 which you can provide to the IRS to obtain your EIN, howev...
territory, and the person applying for the EIN (it must be an individual, not an entity) must already have a Social Security number, ITIN or other EIN. The IRS may require an estate or trust to get an EIN. How to get an EIN: You can apply for this tax ID number online with the...
You can visit the IRS local taxpayer advocate page to find the address and phone number of the location nearest to you. Other ways to find help at a tax office If you want in-person help filing your taxes, you may be able to visit the physical office of an H&R Block or other tax ...