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Example: Fine the x- and y-intercepts of the equation y = 10x - 12 To find the x-intercept, substitute y = 0 then solve. 0 = 10x - 12 12 = 10x x = 12 / 10 = 6/5. (or 1.2) Therefore, the x-intercept is 6/5. Since this equation is in the form y = mx + b, and ...
want to review the knowledge you've forgotten over the years, books and websites can help you learn calculus at home. Before you start learning calculus, make sure you've got a firm grasp of algebra and pre-calculus, since many of the concepts taught in calculus rely on this prior ...
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When studying quadratic and polynomial functions, I begin by having students tell me everything they see on a graph. They mention things like y-intercepts, x-intercepts, high points and low points. We useTRACEand the commands in theCALCmenu to find these points if they aren’t apparent by...
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