To find unique values based on specific criteria in Excel, combine theUNIQUEfunction with theFILTERfunction. Example:Suppose you have a dataset with columns B (values) and C (ages). You want tofind unique valueswhere the age is less than 30. Steps Createtwo newcolumns. In cellD5, enter ...
Let’s take a dataset of some customers in a Super shop with theCustomer ID, shoppingAmounton a particular date, and also aTotalif they bought anything previously. We’ll use it to demonstrate how you can find values in a column. How to Find Value in Column in Excel: 4 Methods Method...
Find common values in 3 columns with array formulas To find and extract the common values from 3 columns, the following array formula may help you, please do as this: Enter this array formula into a blank cell where you want to extract the same values from 3 columns: =LOOKUP("zzz",CHOO...
How to Use INDEX and MATCH in Excel While theVLOOKUP functionis good for finding values in Excel, it has its limitations. With a combination of the INDEX and MATCH functions instead, you can look up values in any location or direction in your spreadsheet. The INDEX function returns a value...
In this article we will learn about how we can find the matching values from not adjacent list, we can use a combination ofINDEX & MATCHfunctions to get the output. INDEX:Returns a value or reference of the cell at the intersection of a particular row and column, in a given range. ...
How to find unique /distinct values in Excel The easiest way to identify unique and distinct values in Excel is by using theIF functiontogether withCOUNTIF. There can be a few variations of the formula depending on the type of values that you want to find, as demonstrated in the following...
In this article, we will learn How to look up or find value with last Date in Excel.Lookup a value and find max or last dateThe picture below shows you values in column B (B3:B9) and dates in column C (C3:C9). The formula in cell F4 lets you search for value and return the ...
Sometimes, you may want to find out and select all closet values to the given value in a range. Actually, we can define a deviation value, and then apply Kutools for Excel’sSelect Special Cellsutility to find out and select all closest values within the diviation range of give value easi...
1. Ctrl + F: Find When you press Ctrl + F, it triggers the opening of the Find dialogue box, enabling you to search for particular text or values within the currently active worksheet. dialogue box that appears as a result of Ctrl+f ...
How to find duplicate rows in Excel If your aim is to dedupe a table consisting of several columns, then you need a formula that can check each column and identify onlyabsolute duplicate rows, i.e. rows that have completely equal values in all columns. ...