Book a demo; we’d be delighted to show you how it works. Book a demo Tips for Organizing and Running Any HOA Meeting Like we said above - Much of how HOA organizes its meetings is dictated by the state law and the association’s governing documents. That said, it doesn’t mean...
Different businesses have different address needs. Find the right best business address option for your business: A Free Virtual Business Address Hire us toform your LLC,corporation, ornonprofitand we’ll list our address on your business formation documents for no additional charge. This option is...
It feels really good to have stood my ground aggressively and, as you say, chopping them off at the knees so they can't get back up! ... Gary K. ... Jacksonville, Florida I finally won my lawsuit in the New York Supreme Court of Appeals. It took 8 years and representing myself...
My experience, research, and documents will make your battle easier and are contained in both reports. Read more about Shelly Shelly on the HOA Reformer's List Thanks for telling the public the truth! I have an attorney who is trying to settle my situation whereby I was made promises at...
So either your documents support the giving of tips, or you’ve decided to take up a separate collection. There are a few basic variables to take into consideration when it comes to deciding how much to gift your HOA or building staff. According to Post’s website (,...
To find the best tenants, you must gather the appropriate documents and analyze them with a fine tooth comb. Required Rental Application Documents A lot of landlords go with their gut feel about a tenant at the expense of requiring important documents during the application process. For example...
WooCommerce upsells are a great way to increase the average order value (AOV) in your online store. Upselling isn’t just about pushing additional products; it’s about enhancing the shopping experience while maximizing revenue. In fact, studies show that upselling can boost your revenue by ...
Florida was ordered to cease using the association’s common funds to give the employees of its management firm holiday bonuses. In short, the condo’s bylaws forbade using common funds for paying non-HOA employees, and the condo’s contract with its management company made it explicit that ma...
“Key elements to achieving community harmony are organization and open communication,” says Skip Richardson, branch president, Associa Services of Florida. “As one can imagine, there are a plethora of personalities in a community which can easily lead to internal conflict. Topics such as the in...
My brother Devin started his own landscaping business in Florida a few years ago. He told me: "It's hard work, but I love being able to work outside and listen to my podcasts on the job. I recommend starting small with the equipment you have. Ask around in your neighborhood if people...