How to Find the Maximum Value of a Function Let's work through an example to find the maximum value of a function: {eq}f(x) = -3x^2 + 6x + 4 {/eq} Because we are given the equation in the general form, we can find the critical point by first taking the derivative to give ...
everything relies on the data. However, most business owners or stakeholders struggle to understand the insights hidden in data. The raw data might seem daunting and confusing to them.
In 2014, the WHO Prequalification programme invited Expressions of Interest to develop an efficacious Ebola test. World Health Organization (2014). Urgently needed: rapid, sensitive, safe & simple Ebola diagnostic tests. Joint WHO/FIND meeting on Diagnostics and Ebola Control Geneva, Switzerland Acces...
How to find consumer surplus and producer surplus? Consumers: Consumers are the people who use the goods and services of the producers for their personal use and do not resale it in the market. This process is called consumption in economics. Consumption of the consumers depends on their income...
We apply the following formula to find the student's name with the help of the corresponding ID. “=VLOOKUP(ID,CHOOSE({1,2},B6:B12,C6:C12),2,0)” Say we want the name corresponding to the ID in cell F6. So, we replace this ID with the cell reference, as shown in the following...
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Mode is the value which occurs the maximum number of times in a given data set. For example, in {2,2,4,5,6}, mode is 2. Mode formula. Find a simple and easy method to find mode with examples at BYJU’S.
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Marco Economics means the study of Economics as a Whole. Answer and Explanation: 1. The unfair or unequal distribution of earnings and fair opportunity among the different groups of society is known as Economic Inequality. In the... Learn more...
Overall, maximum production efficiency can be difficult to attain. As such, economies and many individual entities aim to find a good balance between the use of resources, the rate of production, and the quality of the goods being produced without necessarily maxing out production at full capacity...