be on pins and needles:(紧张或担心得)如坐针毡剑桥英语释义:to be nervously waiting to find out what is going to happen注:pin是大头针,needle是缝衣针,在这堆针上面坐立不安的状态,非常形象地形容焦虑的心情,意思也和成语“如坐针毡”如出一辙。 04:16 Sheila: Get back here so I can give it to...
二 一十五How to Find Your Purpose in Life Many people are living life without knowing what they want out of life. They live life not for themselves, but because of work and survival needs. When you are not living a purposeful life and you have no ide a what you are meant to do in ...
Unsuccessful people just let life happen by accident. Goals aren't difficult to set, and they aren't difficult to reach. It's up to you to find out what your goals really are. You are the one who must decide what to achieve and in which direction to aim your life. Research tells ...
Here’s are a few highlights from our conversation, staring with the part that I, and hopefully you, will find the most interesting: How does Day’s get and keep good people? Harris said that too often, retailers start the hiring process without a clear idea of what they are looking for...
People want to be happy, healthy, and live a life that’s filled with great moments and people. Here's how to live a good life in 2025.
people want themselves to be happy few know how to find happiness. However money and success are not lasting happiness. A famous One Aristotle said, "Happiness ourselves." That is to say, we look happiness." 17 he first secret of happiness is simple things in life. Too often, much time...
If you are struggling with social anxiety, and don’t know how to find good friends, you can use the following important ways to meet new people. 1 A bookstore is a great place to get to know people with a true sense of curiosity. Meeting new people in the bookstore is lovely be...
这里我们给大家推送的是Karl Barry Sharpless教授2008年11月在中国天津大学Honeywell Nobel Lecture上给过的一个异常而且极为精彩的演讲。报告的题目是:“How to find something new”(如何发现新事物),Barry一生做过很多重要的演讲,但这个演讲可以说是其中最特殊的一次!(不论形式还是内容) ...
Another_secret_to_living_a_happy_life_is_to_be_active._Many_people_go_dancing_or_play_sports. People can forget about their problems and only think about the activities. Finally,_many_people_find_happiness_in_helping_others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helpi...