To find your own best times to post, pay attention to your TikTok analytics and when your audience is most likely to be online. Then, schedule your TikTok posts accordingly. 7. Cross-promote your videos Rather than look for some sort of TikTok view trick, consider how a bit of cross-pro...
See it as an opportunity to find a serious bug in the SDK (or chip). Saying that I should change my architecture is also not a way to solve this. If I want to use the interrupt this way, then I should be able to do that. But again, that is not the point. The po...
This is your speaker’s musical “pitch”. Luckily you can easily adjust this setting just by using the frequency label on your speaker’s casing. You can also find other frequency settings on the labels at the back of each speaker. It’s essential to use the specified frequency numbers to...
As previously said, ILpk is twice the line-frequency peak current (Equation 4), which is related to the input power and input mains voltage. By substituting this relationship in the expressions of ton and toff, it is possible to ...
If you're going to a preset that doesn't have the delay block then there will be no spillover. You can have spillover by simply putting the delay block in the new patch. If you don't want delay in the new patch then set the input gain to the delay block to zero. If you do...
Aaaaaanyway, in the Thermo Cyclopad® study there is another odd-sort-of-control, that being 20 "normal" people who did nothavelymphoedema, using the Niagara massager to "determine if the normal population could gain some benefit".
In this case, C1 is set to 22 nF, which provides a frequency of: 2. Instrumentation amplifier (AD8237) gain value VSIGNAL: Consider that the range span of EM flow sensors output typically is a peak-to-peak signal amplitude going from ±75 µV to ±6 mV. For the circuit in Figure...
crossover frequency at a low 1.24:1 ratio. The attack and release times were set to their minimum values of 50 microseconds and 20 milliseconds respectively, and the threshold adjusted to give approximately 6dB of gain reduction. Although a little of the instrument's subjective high-frequency ...
If I execute the "margin" function to obtain the Gain Margin "Gm": >> [Gm,Pm,Wcg,Wcp] = margin(sys); It returns the Gain Margin "Gm = 0" (in absolute units) and the phase crossover frequency is "w = 0 rad/s". In dB, the Gain Marg...
and an LC filter with parasitics also has 2 poles and 1 zero. The parasitic poles may force a slope at the loop gain crossover point (the point at which the open-loop plot crosses the axis; where the gain is 0 dB) up to -40 dB/dec or even more. That means the system’s...