Parabola | Definition, Formula & Examples from Chapter 15 / Lesson 6 35K Learn about parabolas. Understand what a parabola is, learn how to find the focus of a parabola, examine the equation of parabolas, and see examples of parabolas. Related...
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All functions of this type will have a the general shape of a parabola (u-shaped), with different inflection points and variations. The geometry of these functions does change as the degree increases; quadratic functions have a single vertex and focus, while higher degree polynomials will often ...
To find the slope-intercept form for x - y = 1, first isolate the terms with y on the left side, by subtracting x from both sides. x - y - x = 1 - x ... Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Try it risk-free for 30 days Try it risk-free Ask a question Our...
How to find the function for the top curve of ellipse? How do you find the equation of an ellipse? Looking at an equation of a conic section, how can you tell if the equation is the graph of a parabola, circle, ellipse, or hyperbola?
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Re: How to obtain 0.84? Newton 19 Dec 2015, 18:33 Hello L. Aureli The 0.840.84 comes from substituting x=0x=0 into y=sin(2x+1)y=sin(2x+1), that is y=sin(0+1)=sin1.y=sin(0+1)=sin1. Using calculator, sin1=0.84sin1=0.84 (you must be in radians.) ...
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