I need velocity of fluid at a specific vertical line. I think it can be done using UDF. I want to use this property for further calculation. Anybody can please let me know if there is any way to find it? Thank you very much. ...
I am currently working on fluid dynamics and I have one question: I am studying about the fluid flow from a cylindrical pipe and I learnt how to find the velocity profile and flow rate. My question is what should be our approach when the pipe from which the fluid is passing, has a va...
PURPOSE: To remotely measure the three-dimensional velocity of fluid by sending frequency acoustic signals in three or more directions by a converter array so as to detect the acoustic signals back-scattered by the fluid, and determining fluid velocity based on the frequency displacement of the ...
The velocity (or superficial velocity) of a fluid is a measure of the average speed and direction the particles of the fluid are moving. It answers the question "how fast?" It's an important parameter when a fluid is being used to generate force, because force incre...
Louisiana Tech University: Fluid Mechanics University of Idaho: Flow and Velocity Calculations Cite This Article MLA Beck, Kevin. "How To Calculate Air Velocity"sciencing.com, https://www.sciencing.com/calculate-air-velocity-5201609/. 21 December 2020. ...
Send Private MessageFlag post as spam Dear all, I would like to ask how can I find the flow velocity of a specific point (x=105, y=2.5) in my channel (it is shown in the picture). In the graph, if I click at any random point I got 3 values: on the x axis I got the...
But the pressure difference would gradually decrease as the system tries to maintain equilibrium, hence the velocity would also decrease. 1. Is there a way in which when I open the valve, the fluid will flow with a constant velocity into the other tank for a specified period ...
What is the difference between flow rate and fluid velocity? How are they related? What Are Fluids? In fluid mechanics, a fluid refers to a substance that can flow and has the ability to deform under applied shear stress. It can include both liquids and gases. ...
In turbulent flow, on the other hand, the fluid particles move in a chaotic, irregular manner, with significant mixing and disturbance. This creates a turbulent boundary layer, where the velocity gradient is much steeper and the shear stress is much higher compared to laminar flow. As a...
Hi, i want to get the divergence of velocity field, and i have calculated the gradient of velocity. When using equation DuDx+DvDy+DwDz to get divergence i find it is not equal 0 in incompressible fluid. Anyone can help me. Thank you! Tags...