These relatives might not actually want people to track them down, especially based on their DNA. The benefits of genealogical services are undeniable and have resulted in more than a few happy family reunions. However, it should not be forgotten that public genetic databases can be misused. ...
When we visited Ottawa, I’d scan the faces of strangers on the street, imagining that I might recognize one of them as my dad. It was far-fetched, daydreamy stuff. The rational part of my brain accepted that there was no way to find him. I never felt that a part of me was ...
This can work on a large scale, such as connecting you to a general European heritage, or on a small scale, like helping you find your distant cousins. In order to find your relatives, the algorithms will look for longer stretches of DNA that are shared with ...
Your genotype is a window into your ancestral origins and family history. Genetic markers can reveal the geographic regions your ancestors came from and the ethnic groups you descend from. You may discover you have genetic relatives or share ancestry with famous historical figures. Genotype ca...
A family trivia game is a good activity for family gatherings because you can draw on many relatives’ memories and experiences. Everyone can brainstorm questions, focusing on close family members first: What is Dad’s favorite color? Which famous singer did Aunt Lucy write love letters to?