This is an advanced appointment scheduling platform for a medical practice that allows patients to find NPI-based doctors, book appointments with them, make online and offline payments for doctor appointments, and so on. Read this case study to see how we developed this SaaS solution. Regulatory...
There are a couple of reasons you might want tostart your own medical practice. Some doctors prefer the autonomy and freedom that comes from owning their own practice. Rather than having your hours, terms, andphysician salaryset by someone else, you can be your own boss. Others prefer the ...
How Long You Shoud Work Out To Lower Dementia Risk This Supplement Could Help Alleviate Joint Pain Reverse Aging May Be Possible, Per Experts This Common Bacteria Could Affect Alzheimer's Risk New Study Shows How To Find Your Biological Age ...
In November of 2018, it was time to sign up for insurance through the marketplace as we had done in previous years. During that process, they ask a question whether I wanted to investigate premium assistance. In 2017 I had said no; since recovery was Right Around The Corner we wouldn’t...
understanding the relationships between individuals and business entities is critical for fraud prevention. Without a complete view of doctors, patients, and their relationships to clinics, hospitals, and health systems, payers face gaps in their abilities to analyze their data and understand where fraud...