I also tried, changing their UV lines, but no good solution. What should I do to find their proper UV lines, like this picture below. Or how to find a straight line going into this surface? NX2212,stpUnknown file type1 Unknown file type 1 Download file 1Download Show more actions Unkn...
So, referring to your drawing: i have to project 2 adjacent radials (our of the .STP I have) then create a surface among the curves .. but then I have to flat it down in 2D, to print it out on PDF Like in the cartography when yo...
How to find the momentum in an electron through the photoelectric effect What is the density of neon at STP? What is the word length effect? What is the source of wave particle duality? What is volume? How might the population density of Japan have affected its cultural development?
Finding an object's mass is usually easy, while identifying its volume can be tricky. Simple-shaped objects, such ascubes, bricks, or spheres, are usual topics for density homework problems. You can usea formulato find the volume of one of these simple shapes. For irregular shapes, measuring...
Calculate the density in grams per liter of the following gases at STP: (a) NO (b) NO2 (c) O2 How can you determine how many moles were produced from a given equation in chemistry? How to convert mL to gallons with a formula ...
Jumping rope can not only help you increase your running cadence but can also build aerobic fitness, bone density, coordination, andcore strength. #4: Run Downhill Although you don’t want to do extensivedownhill trainingbecause it can put excessive stress on your knees and shins, downhill ...
Finally, knowledge or assumption of the adsor- bate density ρo allows for the determination of the dry mass, mo. The modeling of the SE data requires SE reference measurements that provide information on the optical properties of the substrate, Approaches to analyze the QCM-D data ambient ...
A chemist measured the time required for a chemical reaction and found the value to be 155 +/- 0.21 hours. The first step is to find theabsolute uncertainty: absolute uncertainty = 0.21 hours relative uncertainty = Δt / t = 0.21 hours / 1.55 hours = 0.135 ...
Both containers are isolated and are at the same temperature. The valve between the containers is open and the molecules of each gas spread to Calculate the density in grams per liter of the following gases at STP: (a) NO (b) NO2 (c) O2 What...
Find the density if m = 4.00 g and V = 2.00 mL. Using density, determine the volume of 25.0 grams of water. When determining the density of the unknown alcohol, what is the volume of the sample you are using for the determination of the density? Calculate the density of CH4 at STP....