old bucks live back in the deepest, nastiest swamps and thickets they can find. Maybe some do, but most don’t. When it comes todeer bedding areas, bucks develop personalities like any animal, and the majority prefer to hoof around a bit to socialize before ...
“This behavior might be related to the mule deer’s relative lack of geographic fidelity as compared to a white-tailed deer, and the large areas he traverses,” he said. Optimize Your New Hunting Property with Bill Winke [HuntClass] Mule deer bucks do not keep a harem like elk, but ...
Find Their Bedding Areas Figure out where NOT to go. For deer in the summer, their sacred space is where they bed. Look for flat, protected areas near a water source or an open area hidden from plain view. We have found bedding areas in strange places- even surrounded by briar thickets...
Trampled grass or depressions in the snow or dirt can indicate a location where deer are sleeping. Concentrated areas of urine, droppings, rubbing and scratching can indicate that a bedding location is nearby. How to Find a Deer One of the best ways to stalk deer and to learn their patterns...
season. Or, simply become a blind yourself by donning a Ghillie suit to conceal your human form and blend in with your surroundings. Since you'll be hunting in close proximity to bedding areas, get in extremely early in the morning to avoid spooking deer as they return from nighttime ...
Fortunately, salvia does not tend to attract deer or rabbits. Salvia leaves’ distinctive, pungent odor acts as a repellent to garden pests.Find more deer-resistant plants. Salvias are heat- and drought-tolerant, making them survivors in the summer garden. They grow 18 inches to 5 feet tall...
Strawflowers are easily grown from seed. You can also buy bedding plants at nurseries and garden centers in the springtime. If you grow strawflower hybrids and allow your plants to self-sow in the garden, the seedlings may not grow true-to-seed. You can’t predict how the offspring will...
Petunias are treated as annuals in most areas but can be grown as tender perennials in Zones 9 to 11. The flowers come in many colors and patterns and bloom from spring until frost! These colorful annuals can really add pop to a front lawn and are often used in borders, containers, ...
3. Seek out deer beds Deer will concentrate their activity in winter. When one deer breaks trail, the others will follow single file. You’ll often find deer droppings in such abundance on those trails that it looks like a barnyard, and they will lead you directly to bedding areas. In ...
I noticed that mange almost always spreads to family members: it tends to run in families because these are individuals who indeed do cozy up and share their bedding areas. I know several families where every family member has it. I also have seen individuals spoke off from their families an...