This chapter aims to study how to best name things in code, like variables, classes, and methods. Since we now know quite a bit about how the brain processes code, we can more deeply understand why naming is so important for code comprehension. Good names help activate your LTM to find ...
- "@babel/plugin-transform-async-to-generator": "^7.8.3", - "@babel/plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions": "^7.8.3", - "@babel/plugin-transform-block-scoping": "^7.8.3", - "@babel/plugin-transform-classes": "^7.9.0", - "@babel/plugin-transform-computed-properties": "^7.8.3...
Tree hollows are an important habitat resource used by arboreal fauna for nesting and denning. Hollows form when trees mature and are exposed to decay and physical damage. In the absence of excavating fauna, hollow formation can take up to 200 years in A
This chapter aims to study how to best name things in code, like variables, classes, and methods. Since we now know quite a bit about how the brain processes code, we can more deeply understand why naming is so important for code comprehension. Good names help activate your LTM to find ...
This chapter aims to study how to best name things in code, like variables, classes, and methods. Since we now know quite a bit about how the brain processes code, we can more deeply understand why naming is so important for code comprehension. Good names help activate your LTM to find ...
This chapter aims to study how to best name things in code, like variables, classes, and methods. Since we now know quite a bit about how the brain processes code, we can more deeply understand why naming is so important for code comprehension. Good names help activate your LTM to find ...
we can more deeply understand why naming is so important for code comprehension. Good names help activate your LTM to find relevant information you already know about the domain of the code. Bad names, on the other hand, can cause you to make assumptions about the code, leading to misconcept...