First you need a customer reference number (CRN) from the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) in Queensland. If you don’t have oneyou will have to get a CRN from a TMR service centre. Once you have your CRN you can register for an online account toapply for your Blue Card...
I asked Ella to be on the lookout for negative self-talk, and every time she felt she’d screwed up in relation to other people and started to hear that voice, to take a few moments to imagine she was talking to her best friend, whom she really cared about. She was to record this...
BEACH DEATH RIDDLE; Police Probe to Find out How Tragic TV Newsman and Doting Dad Huw DiedByline: BRENDON WILLIAMSTRAGIC TV newsman Huw Weekes was found dead on a deserted beach yesterday.Father-of-three Huw, 43, was discovered close to his family's home in the Vale of Glamorgan, south ...
measures; or industries joining forces to provide adequate and timely resources; not-for-profit organizations coming to the rescue of vulnerable population; or even the governments ensuring proactive information dissemination, transparency of its actions and resource-sharing to better tackle the current ...