If you think you may be owed money from a settlement, you can search and track down the funds you're entitled. When property isn't claimed, it doesn't vanish. States maintain the money and wait for the rightful owners to come forward and claim it. You can find settlements belonging to...
A trip to a Georgia courthouse will provide access to all court records on file. Search online or look through the yellow pages to find the courthouse nearest you. Travel to the courthouse and request the records from a court clerk. Since court records are open to the public, clerks must ...
📜Court settlements & inheritancesthat went uncollected 💵Uncashed checks & insurance claimsnever deposited 📈Stock dividendsthat slipped through the cracks 🏠Utility & security depositsfrom old apartments While much of this cash belongs toNew York City residents, thebiggest chunk—$15 million—is...
9. On average, it takes 60 days to resolve a property lien case in court. 10. Approximately 75% of liens on a property are resolved through negotiated settlements rather than litigation. What is a Property Lien? When the property owner has failed to pay a debt, a legal claim can be fi...
that requires you to get cash for structured settlements. Some companies will support you by giving you a partial advance payment as they wait for the judge to approve your settlement sale. It is wise to choose a company that will request this allowance from the court on behalf of its ...
that requires you to get cash for structured settlements. Some companies will support you by giving you a partial advance payment as they wait for the judge to approve your settlement sale. It is wise to choose a company that will request this allowance from the court on behalf of its ...
Mediation Assistance: They can negotiate settlements to avoid lengthy court battles and unnecessary expenses. Reach Out to Siam Legal for Professional Assistance with a Lawsuit in Thailand To maximize your chances of success when filing a lawsuit in Thailand, consult the experienced litigat...
Court records Medical records How to identify and store sensitive data As you can see, a considerable percentage of the information a company collects from its users needs to be protected, as it’s potentially valuable to cybercriminals. Here is our step-by-step walkthrough of how to identify...
damages is needed. Parties involved in legal disputes use the findings of a forensic accountant to resolve disputes via settlements or court decisions, such as compensation or benefit disputes. The forensic accountant may be utilized as an expert witness if the dispute escalates to a court ...
Probating an estate without a will is typically costlier than probating one with a valid will. However, the time and cost required of each are still high. Also, since the proceedings of a probate court are publicly recorded, avoiding probate would ensure that all settlements are done privately...