which is an official notice of the legal matter. If a party is surprised to find out that she has an upcoming court date, she should contact the court to explain she was not properly served with a summons. She should ask the court how to ...
Can schedule crawls May comply with basic recordkeeping requirements Cons: Data caps Heavily manual processes Cannot compare versions over time or track changes on the pages Requires technical knowledge to search collections Publicly accessible unless special arrangements are made, making it inappropriate ...
We know that some documents such as court-issued documents must remain in paper form. And sometimes, going 100% paperless may not be practical for every firm. In these cases, paper-lite is a great option. This means keeping physical paper documents only when necessary. Just be sure to keep...
Contact your local bar association to receive free legal help. These are volunteer services and the attorneys can review your case and advise you on what to do. Some of these "pro bono" programs also allow attorneys to represent you in court. The U.S. Department of Justice offers resources...
When faced with a legal problem, many people don't know how to begin looking for an attorney. Attorneys—and the law—can seem unfamiliar and intimidating. But the process is easier if you first understand a few things about attorneys and how they can he
Take people and companies to small claims court Schedule a DMV appointment without any issues Get refunds or compensation for delayed and canceled flights Fight speeding tickets Eliminate text spam Deal with bills you are unable to pay Contest parking tickets ...
“I will develop and launchestate planningservices within my firm in the next year.” If you’re in a larger firm, instead of saying, “I will have more meetings with my clients,” you could have a goal of “I will schedule quarterly meetings with each of my top 10 clients to ...
Employees can choose to have you withhold money from their paychecks to fund retirement plans and insurance premiums. Each of these requires a separate consent form. Sometimes, you must also withhold deductions for court-ordered garnishments, such as child support and alimony. Is payroll outsourcing...
Find witnessesWitnesses help you back up your claims. In child custody court, witnesses tell of any firsthand knowledge they have of a parent's relationship with the child. They can also speak to anything they know about a parent's behavior, health, etc....
‘How to Be a Dictator’ Samuel Johnson prize-winning author Frank Dikötter talks about his new book on personality cults. Share chapter 1 The Briefing News from around the world, analysis and debate. Next premiere Friday 14 February at 12:00 UK time All episodesView schedule Apple Podcast...