Check if a Collection Exists in MongoDB Using NodeJS To find if a collection exists, we first need to connect with the MongoDB server, and then we need to query like this: dbs.collection("Your_collection_name").find().toArray(function(err, res) { if ( res.length > 0 ) { console...
Nothing will be shown afterdb.mycol.find()as all data is removed from databases. This article taught us how to drop or remove collections in MongoDB. The drop() method drops the collection and its indexes, while the remove method deletes a single or all the documents from the collection....
Now, we’re going to create your collections in the cluster so that we can insert our data. They need to be created now so that you can create an Atlas trigger that will target them. For this tutorial, you can create your own collection if you have data to use. If you’d like to...
// Fill out a literal array of collections you want to duplicate the records in. // Iterate over each collection using the forEach method on the array. // For each collection get (find) all the records and forEach on each of them. // Remove the _id field from each record as Mongo...
How to monitor self-managed MongoDB instances:Commands such asrs.status()for replica sets andsh.status()for sharded clusters provide a high level status of the cluster. Use MongoDB’s built-infree monitoringfeature to get information on Operation Execution Times, Memory Usage, CPU Usage, and ...
I want to have something similar in MongoDB can somebody help me? Note that the following solution only applies to versions ofMongoDb You can't do what you want in just one query. First you have to retrieve the list of friend user ids, then pass those ids to the second query to retr...
mongodump -d<database_name>-o<directory_backup> Example: mongodump -d ngdeveloper-0D:\ngdeveloper\mongodb-exports\ MongoDB Import Command to import all the collections of the database: mongorestore -d<database_name><directory_backup> ...
mongorestore (version 100.9.4 or higher): The mongorestore tool loads data from a binary database dump. The dump directory includes a demo database with preloaded collections, views and indexes, to get you up and running in no time. This tool is part of the MongoDB Database Tools packag...
Selecting all documents in MongoDB count_documentsalways returns a number, but sometimes, we want to look at the data our query matches. To do so, we can use the big brother offind_one, which isfind: frompprintimportpprintforraceinraces.find():pprint(race)break{'_id':ObjectId('659d3...
db.collectionName.find({age: {$gt:50}}) How to Create an Index in MongoDB You can create indexes in MongoDB using its built-in shell interface. So that's what we'll use in this tutorial. Nevertheless, indexes don't exist alone. You must'vecreated a database and a collectionbefore...