Usually, you can find basic vehicle information and manufacturer’s information from government sources, but you can’t find vehicle history reports, the market value of a specific car, warranty, and service records, insurance information, etc. from the above sources. But don’t worry, there ar...
Save on Car Insurance Our independent agents shop around to find you the best coverage. Request a Quote Car insurance claims can be tricky, and knowing the how, what, when, where, who, and why can sometimes be more overwhelming than the accident or theft itself. That’s why we’ve ...
Knowing what to do after a car accident can help the insurance claims process go more smoothly. Read on to find out more about how to make a car insurance claim. Written by Kasey Cassells, Senior Content Editor Edited by Samantha Downes, Finance Expert Contributor Updated on 16 February 202...
It might be a good idea to seek legal advice if you need to speak with the other person’s insurance company. If not, you need to be very careful about what you say, otherwise, they may not make a pay-out on your claim. Get your car fixed. After the accident, a claims adjuster ...
What To Do After Common Car Accidents Fender benders and minor accidents are the most common auto insurance claims we receive. So, what do you do if you find yourself in one of these situations? Before taking any other steps, make sure that everyone involved is safe and contact emergency se...
An important part of the claims process is understanding your auto insurance policy and what it covers. Here are some important things to know or ask about when you file your claim: Your deductible: This is the amount you’ll have to pay out of pocket toward repairs to your car before yo...
I know fromfirsthandexperience what it's like to push too hard after a trauma. 我有亲身经历知道受挫后太勉强自己是什么样。 图片源自《谍影迷情》 拓展:second-hand →adj. 旧的,用过的,二手的;间接地 second-hand clothes 旧衣服 a second-hand car ...
However, there are several factors that determine how much insurance goes up after an accident. Your auto insurance provider, driving record, claims history, geographic location and in some states, even your age and gender, are looked at when determining the exact rate you pay.Young driversmay ...
Personal information:Depending on the type of insurance for which you’re shopping, the insurance company may take a close look at things like your claims history, driving record,credit history, gender, marital status, lifestyle,family medical history, health, smoking status, hobbies, job, and ...
When comparison shopping for car insurance, you may see some huge differences in pricing. It's not always a good idea to go with the insurance provider that has the lowest rates. You should check their complaint history first and make sure you can trust them to take care of you in the ...