For example, the code-search provider doesn't support that clause, so it will ignore it and return the same code results either way. In our scenario, using the global search scoped to the current repository is a good way to find code and commits that mention t...
To send money to Bolivia, you need the bank name, account number and swift code; for Hungary, you need the bank name and IBAN. Keep in mind that some countries have IBAN and SWIFT. The payee should be able to provide the IBAN or SWIFT number. If there are questions, you can check ...
GitHub Actionsare packaged scripts to automate tasks in a software-development workflow in GitHub. You can configure GitHub Actions to trigger complex workflows that meet your organization's needs. The trigger can happen each time developers check new source code into a specific branch, at timed...
The output confirms that the local branch was successfully renamed, as shown in the image above. However, the remote branch still retains its old name. Refer to the section below to see how to rename a remote Git branch. Rename a Remote Git Branch There is no direct way to rename a Git...
It is also possible to use the-Boption with thegit checkoutcommand to switch to another branch and to make the branch start from a specific commit. The syntax is: git checkout -B [branch] [start_point]Copy To find the exact starting point, list the commits in the repository using the...
To rename a Git branch, you must first checkout the branch and select a new name according to conventions before running the push command. Learn more inside!
To delete a Git branch in GitKraken Client, right-click the branch name from the graph and selectDelete [branch name]. With GitKraken Client, you can rename, delete, and organize branches with the speed and efficiency of the CLI, all while maintaining the user-friendly visuals offered in a...
With your GitHub account, you can access any public repository on the platform, as well as any private repositories where you have the necessary permissions. To download a GitHub repository, you must first start by navigating to the repository in GitHub. If you know the name of the repository...
Device Manager displays the device asUnknown Deviceand puts it in theOther devicesbranch. This is very common with universal serial bus (USB) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) 1394 composite devices. Also, a status ofError Code 1orError Code 10may be displayed when...
3. Delete the remote branch: $ git push origin -d <name_of_the_branch> Find the author of a remote topic branch using Git If you are the repository manager, you might need to do this so you can inform the author of an unused branch that it should be deleted. ...