Start the wizard and choose whether you’re setting Azure DevOps server for the first time or if you have some data already in the server, then you can set up using the existing database as well so you will not lose any of your data from previous setups. In the next step, you will...
Describe your question We have setup a self hosted Azure DevOps agent on Azure Kubernetes Service. Most functionality works good. However, the git checkout (simply checkout: self) in the Azure DevOps pipeline with the self hosted Agent o...
Hi, I want to integrate my Azure DevOps Server 2022 with Azure AD tenant, So I checked on chatgpt as I didn't find any relevant solution and got below answer from chatgpt: Set up Azure AD: Create an Azure AD tenant if you don't have one already. …
Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019安装、分配、禁用和卸载扩展,为 Azure DevOps 添加新特性和功能。有关扩展的详细信息,请参阅开发和发布概述。先决条件权限: 必须是项目集合管理员组的成员才能安装扩展。 组织所有者自动是此组的成员。 如果没有权限,可以改为请求扩...
I began modifying my powershell script that I had written for a newer version of TFS to target the TFS 2020 server. However my script needed to query retention leases and it therefore called this API to get them:
Here, you learn about how you can use Azure Functions to develop serverless architectures and make use of the various feature implementations it provides.You also learn more about how Azure Functions works. Information that can help you determine how to meet your organization's requirements by ...
As the new version of Azure DevOps Server 2020 has been released, we want to install Azure DevOps Server 2020 (2020.1) RC1. Current version which is 17.153.29522.3 (AzureDevOps2019.Update1.1) is installed on Windows Server 2012 R2 and as per the ...
Use GitHub on Azure to simplify work tracking and complex workloads. Combine GitHub and Azure for code-to-cloud workflow automation and enterprise software development.
Can you be more specific about what you need help with? If you need help setting up an Azure Logic App then you can find instructions on how to do that online. Please clarify what aspect(s) you're having issues with here. If instead you need help getting attachments from D...