SOLIDWORKS uses by default for imported files (IGES, STEP, Parasolid, DXF, DWG, etc) by doing the following: 1. Open SOLIDWORKS 2. Go to ‘Tools’, ‘Options’, ‘System Options’, ‘Default Templates’ (shown below) 3. Use the “…” buttons to the right of all your templates to ...
Split into 9 2-hour long sessions, the first half of each session will be spent learning new Solidworks skills, while the second half will see the application of these news skills through in-class activities, with a focus on reverse engineering. In contrast to traditional mechanical design cour...
These can be sent to 3-D printers, and you could have a prototype of your design in a matter of minutes (or hours depending on the size). One example of an application of the SolidWorks 3-D CAD software was created by the MAKO Surgical Group. They designed and built the MAKO Tactile...
Then also set the angles between the holes and no of holes as you needed in the pipe flange design. Note:- If you are not sure about the angles between the holes, select the “Equal Spacing” and set the no of holes. The solidworks cad software will automatically arrange the holes equa...
However, the smoother/ less faceted your surface is, (the higher the poly count or triangulation) the larger your file. 3D printing can only accept a certain file size; therefore it’s important to find a balance between your model, its desired surface, and the 3D printing process of your...
These can be sent to 3-D printers, and you could have a prototype of your design in a matter of minutes (or hours depending on the size). One example of an application of the SolidWorks 3-D CAD software was created by the MAKO Surgical Group. They designed and built the MAKO Tactile...
are mainly rough creation, which needs to consider man-machine, structural form, dismantling method, material, etc., as the design plan goes deeper and gradually it will be different. Generally, three views can be drawn to show the appearance and structure of the product from multiple angles....
t for you. Nearly every aspect of the design process involves math. You’ll need to measure angles, get precise distances, and help create accurate 2D and 3D drafts. Becoming a freelance CAD designer may be a great career choice if you love math and enjoy applying it in your daily work...
In myprevious tutorialI already explained what is inverse kinematics and how it works with this SCARA robot so for more details you can check that tutorial out. Briefly, with inverse kinematics we calculate at what angles the two arms should position in order to reach a given X, Y coordinate...