b), the definition of slope produces the slope intercept form of the line y = mx + b. When the equation of the line is in this form, you can read slope directly from it, and that allows you to immediately determine the slope of a line perpendicular to ...
Some ways that a question might give you a slope/point or two points: 2 intercepts, a labeled graph picture showing two points or a point and a slope, information about parallel or perpendicular lines (which tells you about the slope), an intercept and the slope, 2 points, or statements ...
If we draw a line that is 90 degrees, or perpendicular, to the major axis, the short line is the minor axis. The points that the minor axis connects are the co-vertices. It is a lot of vocabulary, but it's necessary for finding the major axis of an ellipse. ...
Area of a triangle is the region covered by its three sides in a plane. Area of a triangle is equal to half of product of its base and height. Find the area using heron's formulas and SAS condition, with examples at BYJU'S.
On straight and spiral bevel gears, the shafts must be perpendicular to each other and in the same plane. If you were to extend the two shafts past the gears, they would intersect. The hypoid gear, on the other hand, can engage with the axes in different planes. Hypoid bevel gears in...
Urbanization and climate change are contributing to severe flooding globally, damaging infrastructure, disrupting economies, and undermining human well-being. Approaches to make cities more resilient to floods are emerging, notably with the design of flood-resilient structures, but relatively little is kno...
How to Find Total Distance Most distance problems in calculus give you thevelocity function, which is thederivativeof theposition function.The velocity formula is normally presented as aquadratic equation. You can find total distance in two different ways: with derivatives, or byintegratingthe velocit...
Divide the circumference by the amount of time it takes to complete one rotation to find the tangential speed. For example, if it takes 12 seconds to complete
How to write an m x n matrix in LaTeX How to write an m x n matrix with big parentheses \begin{equation*}A_{m,n}=\begin{pmatrix}a_{1,1}&a_{1,2}&\cdots&a_{1,n}\\a_{2,1}&a_{2,2}&\cdots&a_{2,n}\\\vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\a_{m,1...
Learn how to find a normal line equation. Use a derivative and perpendicular slope of a tangent line to calculate the equation of the normal line. Review practice problems, as well. Related to this Question How do style="text-align:left;">I write f(x) in another .m file? trap.m file...