Every situation is different so be sure to contact an expert as to how regulations pertain directly to you. That said, here are some general thoughts when considering using your property to generate additional income. Renting out an extra bedroom in your home is straightforward. Since the renter...
If you need to install a well, it can be expensive. You can expect to pay between five thousand to ten thousand dollars for an artesian well installation and possibly more. The well must also passtesting for quality and quantity standards. The local board of health will regulate these tests...
First, it must come from an approved source, which doesn't mean the FDA goes and checks the source to make sure it's safe. It simply means the water must come from one of two places: a protected natural source, such as a spring or artesian well in which measures have been taken to...
as the donut shop owner, are the most valuable asset to your business. Your vision (and hard work) will carry your initial concept through the planning stages to implementation and onward to owning a profitable and successful donut business. Always remember you are the artesian in the kitchen!
That's one way to try to find the best exchange rate and have money in your pocket as you hail a cab from the airport to the hotel. Otherwise, you might get stuck in a long line if you try to use an airport ATM or the international currency exchange services booth conveniently ...
First, it must come from an approved source, which doesn't mean the FDA goes and checks the source to make sure it's safe. It simply means the water must come from one of two places: a protected natural source, such as a spring or artesian well in which measures have been taken to...
It seems weird beyond belief to me that with most major present energy sources, oil, gas and coal, either running out or causing unacceptable problems in the very near future, some do not seem to find that challenge tough enough, but wish to rule out one of the few major replacement ener...