In theory, it is one of the simplest items in the game, but once you start to use it, the bed can even save your life in the right situation. And the best part is that you can create a bed on your first day of spawning. If you are fast enough, you can have a bed ready befo...
Shipwrecksare inside or nearOceanbiomes. And you can findPillager Outpostsmost commonly in thePlains,Desert,Taiga,Snowy Tundra, andSavannabiomes. Mob Loot Theleast effective way to get potatoesis bydefeating enemies.The mobs that have a chance to drop potatoes upon death includeZombies, Zombie Vil...
If you explore these environments enough, you should be lucky enough to find a saddle in a chest. Remember to check every small room in underground dungeons for a chest! From the stats, you can see that a Nether fortress or dungeon chest are the most likely places to find a saddle. Unf...
Wasn’t able to find any of the cards to add for starry-eyed except pacifism for some reason :/ Reply Colbstar July 19, 2021 4:14 am Please Help! I don’t know if these decks were removed in an update or something, but there are 5 new starter decks and now I can’t get thes...
However, if you have a silk touch pickaxe, you can mine stone blocks you find naturally generated to get stone instead of cobblestone from them.[4] Stone blocks can also be found inside chests in villages. 5 Craft a stone slab. Open your crafting table and place the 3 stone blocks ...
Find your back up to the surface. You should have now gathered all your materials. If you reach the surface and its night, use your bed to turn it into day. 25 Locate any nearby sugar cane. You will need at least 3 pieces to make a book for your enchantment table. 26 Congratulat...