Step 2Replace "lookup_value" with the name you want to find, "table_range" with the range of your data table, and "column_index" with the column number where the associated data is located. Let's take a look at how you might use this. This spreadsheet contains product's names, index...
Method 1 – How to Find the Top 5 Values and Names with Duplicates in Excel Column Brepresents random names of 10 students andColumn Cshows the CGPA of each student of a term final. Sam and Mike both have a similar CGPA, 3.94. We want to find the top 5 names. Case 1.1 – Using ...
VBA code: find and replace sheet tab names in Excel SubFind_replace_sheet_name()'Update by Extendoffice 2018/5/24DimxNumAsLongDimxRepNameAsStringDimxNewNameAsStringDimxSheetNameAsStringDimxSheetAsWorksheet xRepName=Application.InputBox("Please type in the word you will replace:","Kutools for...
VBA: Search by worksheet name SubSearchSheetName()DimxNameAsStringDimxFoundAsBooleanxName=InputBox("Enter sheet name to find in workbook:","Sheet search")IfxName=""ThenExitSubOnErrorResumeNextActiveWorkbook.Sheets(xName).SelectxFound=(Err=0)OnErrorGoTo0IfxFoundThenMsgBox"Sheet '"&xName&"' ...
error in Excel. 1. Correct #NAME Error with Formula Wizard: The Formula Wizard in Excel is a powerful tool that can quickly help you locate and fix the #NAME? error in your formulas. When encountering this error, the Formula Wizard allows you to search for the problematic function and gui...
Use the formula to find] =FIND("]",CELL("filename",A1)) 58 is the position of]. Now we our formula is completed now =MID(CELL("filename",A1),FIND("]",CELL("filename",A1))+1,255) Explanation: CELL("filename",A1) : Gets you the full name of the worksheet ...
There are many different ways to do the same thing in Excel. And in this case, there is another formula that works just as well.Instead of the RIGHT function, it uses the MID function.Below is the formula:=MID(CELL("filename"),FIND("]",CELL("filename"))+1,255)... ambiguous in the namespace 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel' .NET Console application crashes with 'Has stopped working' with Error Code: Exception code: 0xe0434f4d in Windows 10 .NET equivalent of CreateObject and GetObject .NET Windows Servcie unable to install with InstallUtil.exe .NE...
In the Excel spreadsheet, select the desired range of cells.How to select one or more cells in a spreadsheet program.Right-click the selected cells and select Define Name in the pop-up menu. In the New Name window, enter a name for the selected cells in the Name field and click OK....
Note: The same macro-enabled formula is used as in the first method (Name: Worksheets).Insert the formula:=LOOKUP("xxxxx",CHOOSE({1,2},"",INDEX(MID(Sheets,FIND("]",Sheets)+1,255),ROWS(B$1:B1)))Press Enter and use the Fill Handle to return the following output: Method...