Additionally, engaging with D&D focused communities is a great way to find a group. Most D&D podcasts and streams have Discord servers, which often have specified channels for those seeking D&D groups, and some Discords centered around roleplay partner searches have D&D related channels as well. ...
How to Find Discord Servers on a PC You can find the Discord server you want via the guild directory, which is home to all the servers, from your PC. In the directory, you’ll find servers relating to all categories. Here’s how to find and join a Discord server: Navigate toDiscorda...
like you'll find on any other social media platform. Add all that to the easy-to-use interface and free access it provides users, and you'll see why Discord has quickly become a
For a safe place to begin finding the best Discord servers, use the Discord Explore tool or connect with your existing communities. If you can't find what you want, extend your search with a third-party directory. If you still come up empty, consider setting up your own Discord server—i...
If you’ve just joined Discord, finding the best servers that cater to your specific passions might seem a little daunting at first. Not to worry, as this post sheds light on how to find interesting and exciting servers to join. Even if you’ve already grown quite accustomed to Discord, ...
How to Remove Someone from Discord Group Although the basics of the steps on how to remove someone from a Discord group are the same, the specific steps may be different for each platform. You can find out the steps for the different methods for different platforms below. ...
You can post an open call to your Discord server or to a larger group of your social media followers if you still don't have specific candidates in mind for the position. To assist you in limiting your options, have potential mods complete an application for the position. Just make sure ...
Server Discovery is available in the desktop app and the web app. Most games or communities will have a Discord server, so Google for one. If one doesn't appear, you cancreate your own! Discord's user-friendly invite features make it easy to find and join communities that fit your inter...
Discover How To Find The Email Of A Discord Account Many people use Discord to communicate with friends and family online. But sometimes, it can be quite confusing if you want to find the email account associated with your Discord profile. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can figure ou...
Your server's rules should help you facilitate healthy discussions and create a safe space. Here's what the Unwinnable Discord community's rules look like: See the full-sized image here. As you can see, they don't have to be super long to do the job. Find more rule inspiration in ...