I ended up going back on the drugs, even to a higher dose, and being too nervous to come off for a few years after that. That woke me up to what I had been told in my medical training, in my PhD, about these drugs, didn’t match the reality of them. Because a lot of the e...
When a patient is seeing three specialists and using more than one pharmacy, the PDMP’s simple list of prescriptions can get difficult to decipher, and the prescription is just one piece of the puzzle. You need to be able to bring in other data, such as electronic health records and emer...
In these programs, students learn the basics of medication compounding and ethics, which reduces the amount of on the job training they’ll need. For this reason, certified pharmacy techs tend to find work in the field more easily and quickly. Some states require that pharmacy technicians ...
2) The fact that the tooth has pain suggests that the decay has advanced close enough to the tooth’s nerve tissue to irritate it. If the nerve tissue is at a point where it has been significantly traumatized, the tooth would require root canal treatment before rebuilding it would be possi...
Learn the common steps to becoming a pharmacist. Discover what a pharmacist does and the educational requirements for a career in pharmacy.
s prescriptions for testosterone injections can also be filled by a fully licensed FDA regulated compounding pharmacy right here in the US. Compoundedinjectable testosterone cypionatewill provide you an even greater cost savings with the same great quality and effectiveness. A word of caution is in ...
However, as more compounders took part in large-scale interstate distribution of drugs, the current state-based regulatory system became less equipped to provide oversight. The lack of a clear definition of "compounding pharmacy" further obscures proper oversight and regulation. Congress and several ...
Marie – I am sorry to hear that you are are experiencing this. Sometimes it takes time to find a medication that is perfect for you. ️ You may benefit from switching your medication under the advice of your practitioner to see if you can find a medication that you can tolerate bette...
For anyone who’s pregnant and can’t use the standard medications listed extensively above – find a Compounding Pharmacist and ask them to whip you up some Lemon Balm Oil – it’s a brownish liquid that is perfectly safe for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Just roll it on at the...
Take our quizto find out! How to write a professional summary for your resume Mark our words—write the summary last. It will be much easier to do so after you've detailed all your work experience and professional achievements in other resume sections. Plus, you can ask a friend to read...