A goods and services tax (GST) number is a unique tax identification number assigned to a business by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). It's also known as a business number (BN), because, in addition to being used to collect, report and remit GST and harmonized sales tax (HST), it i...
If you perform a transaction that’s taxable in an EU country other than the one where you’re established, you generally must collect VAT in that country unless the transaction is exempt or subject to reverse charge (which typically applies in business-to-business scenarios, such as SaaS ...
A couple pro-tips if applying for a business number on your own: On the form when it asks for a social insurance number, simply leave this blank and when it asks for your estimated taxable sales in Canada it's smart to enter something below $100,000 as else you will be required to ...
How to Find and Use Location Information in Litigation Determining the location of an individual at a specific point in time can make or break a case. You can use location data to present an alibi in defense, discredit a witness or party, show how long someone was on the road prior to...
Wise Business 👉 If you're looking to make the most of the global talent pool, here are some steps to help you hire foreign independent contractors: Steps to hiring an independent contractor 👇 Step 1: Find out who is considered to be an independent contractor ...
So, if you’re interested in getting a business credit card with Navy Federal, read on to find out more about the eligibility criteria and how to apply. Eligibility for a Navy Federal business credit card To be eligible for a Navy Federal business credit card, you must meet certain criteria...
Well, if you watch this three-part series, the answer will be a lot. We will talk about ransomware, how to respond, how to report, and how to take steps to minimize the impact of an attack. In Part 1, we will talk about ransomware and how to respond to an attack. Transcript ...
If you are serious about your business, most suppliers will ask you to pay for samples. To find the right product for you, you may need to look at multiple suppliers. Remember that unhappy customers will request a refund if the product is not good. ...
Accept payments online, in person, and around the world with a payments solution built for any business – from scaling startups to global enterprises.Learn more Introduction The state of the market Payment methods Current usage Emerging trends Ease and friction of entry Taxes Chargebacks ...
How your business is structured will have an impact on the way you’ll need to file your taxes and when. You are considered a small business owner if you own any small business. You’re also considered self-employed if you operate a business where you are the business, such as: Freelanc...