Also, the specifics of the cemetery, its location, and its size all influence the cost of a burial plot. For example, some plots in Alaska cost as little as $775, while in California, they might run you over $7,000. Grave markers and headstones ($2,000 average cost)— A reasonable...
Congress approved the burial of an unidentified body from World War I on March 4, 1921, at Arlington National Cemetery. The "Unknown Soldier" commemorates the 116,516 American soldiers killed in World War I, many of whose bodies were never identified. [Pictured: Unknown Soldier is laid to re...
If you're wondering how formaldehyde can have such a toxic reputation and still be in so many everyday items, the answer is it's all in the quantity. Most people who are exposed to small amounts of formaldehyde present in home products don't experience any serious health complications. How...
Also, the specifics of the cemetery, its location, and its size all influence the cost of a burial plot. For example, some plots in Alaska cost as little as $775, while in California, they might run you over $7,000. Grave markers and headstones ($2,000 average cost)— A reasonable...