The longer you take to pay off your auto loan, the higher the likelihood that your car will go “underwater” or “upside down,” meaning you owe more on the loan than the car is worth (also known as negative equity). That’s an awful place to be, because even if you sell the c...
Financing a car can seem complicated, but Chase makes it easy with helpful online tools. Here’s what you need to know about financing your next vehicle.
When you want to buy a car, you have several options to finance this expense. The first option is obviously tobuy it in cash. It does not need to be physical notes. The payment is generally a bank transfer. But the car will be paid for in full before you can drive it. At this p...
While you can finance a car for up to 96 months, how long you finance a car really depends on your unique needs, wants and cash flow. Some shoppers opt for a shorter loan term that comes with higher monthly payments and reduces the total cost of the loan. Others opt for a longer loa...
TIPS may be a sound investment to protect against inflation, but they're not wealth-building tools like stocks.
Every investment has risks, and crypto is no exception to the rule. The asset is speculative and has produced millionaires, but getting in at the wrong time can lead to significant losses. Bitcoin has performed well year to date and over the past five years. However, the cryptocurrency has ...
Investing is one of the common ways of earning more money. Anyone looking to make extra money has used investing as a tool to boost their personal finance. Despite the risk investments can bring, it is still a legitimate and effective way to make your financial dreams come true. But how ...
How can you interpret how luxury is defined in your area, and how can you leverage that information to better express your expectations as a homebuyer? Whether or not you fall into the real estate definition of luxury living, knowing how your market defines high-end properties will allow ...
Many financial planners come from backgrounds in finance, economics or business. I suggest taking courses in investments, taxes, estate planning and risk management to help you get a solid grasp on financial principles, investment strategies and economic trends. While you don't need a bachelor's ...
How to Find a Reputable Tax Preparer Near You What Is an Effective Tax Rate? Your effective tax rate is the percentage of your taxable income you pay in taxes – essentially an average of the various rates at which your income is taxed. ...